Sore throat and Fever reach for the miere (honey) honey x

Our little whanau did really well to dodge the covid bullet, but alas it got us in the end.  I was feeling a little worried with the little fella Kane John who has just turned 3, but also reassured that I was stocked up with miere (honey) and that I would use as needed to get us through. 

Kane John was a few days shy of his 3rd birthday, this big tama (boy) loathes pamol and Panadol, its like his little spirt knows its not good for his Tinana (body), but that’s what us Mumma’s are programmed to do, is reach for the pamol right?  He was running a fever  and also complaining of a sore puku (tummy).

 Due to my tama refusal to take pamol, as a mum i really had no other option,  Well I reached for a teaspoon of Whenua Honey’s UMF 15+ Manuka Honey and within minutes this boy’s fever had come down and his sore puku (tummy) had gone away, I followed it up with an ice cold bottle to settle him back to sleep.  He slept well and woke up in the morning.  I gave him another teaspoon of honey when he woke up.  

For those mumma’s who have reluctant tamariki (children) who don’t want the miere (honey) just pop a teaspoon into their bottle.  But also never give honey to children 1 year and under as it is very dangerous, this is for children older than 1 year, it can be fatal so please talk to your health professional for the younger Pepe under 1.

Kane John also complained of a sore throat and the UMF 15+ Manuka Honey soothed his throat immediately.

Next up to show Symptoms was Sol man, feeling reassured I followed the same path for Sol and myself and pappa using the UMF 15+ Manuka Honey.  It was on about day 8 that Sol complained of a sore throat and his phlegm was a yellow colour.   I was very concerned as he said he felt sick and was very lethargic.  I reached for the top shelf UMF25+ Manuka Honey, within 5 minutes Sol man was up and about and asking what was for breakfast.

This was my whanau omicrom experience.  Manuka rongoa works whanau, it is natural and it is made for us, we don’t need to rely on over the counter medicine and this experience is proof that nature does provide us with remedies, if we just stop for a minute and try a natural remedy to give it a go.   I did and I was so relieved and delightfully surprised how quickly the rongoa worked.

Yes it does cost a little bit more, but hay with benefits like protecting the liver from drugs, yes that’s right Manuka honey also does this, it breaks down the pamol in the liver removing the toxins.  Google search that whanau and you’l find the scientific research.  

We also used the Manuka Oil to clean the air and also clear the boys lungs for easy breathing while they where asleep.  Just pop a couple of drops in the diffuser and leave on at night for a peaceful sleep.  

Any patai (questions) feel free to reach out.

Arohanui Mumma Laney x




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